4 Telltale Signs of Knee Pain

Sometimes knee pain comes on suddenly after an accident or fall, but sometimes knee pain can develop slowly. As knee pain continues to worsen, it can severely limit your mobility and ability to complete daily activities. Regardless of what’s causing your pain, the multidisciplinary team here at International Spine, Pain & Performance Center provides cutting-edge treatments to help you get relief from your knee pain. 

But when is it time to seek orthopedic care for your knee pain? Below our team discuss the four telltale signs of knee pain and how we can treat knee pain in our Arlington, Virginia, or Washington, D.C offices.

1. It’s uncomfortable (and painful) to walk

If moving hurts your knee, don’t brush it off. Reduced mobility and knee pain can go hand-in-hand. Knee pain can cause a variety of issues with your mobility, including:

If discomfort forces you to alter your gait or walk differently, it may be beneficial to pinpoint the source of your discomfort because the discomfort turns into more severe pain.

Pain and difficulty walking doesn’t have to be constant for it to be a concern. Pain and discomfort that come and go can be a sign of knee osteoarthritis. 

2. Your knee is swollen and/or red

Swelling and redness can be indicators that knee pain is forthcoming. Swelling can occur as the result of an injury, trauma, or overuse. Torn ligaments, broken bones, and irritation from overuse all contribute to swelling. Medical conditions, including osteoarthritis, gout, and bursitis, can also increase swelling.

Redness accompanied by swelling can also be a sign of rheumatoid arthritis, infections, and dislocations.  

3. You hear popping or crunching noises

While knee crunching might not hurt you by itself, it can be a sign of arthritis. As the cartilage in your knee becomes worn down and rough, your bones can’t slide as easily in the joint, and the rougher movements cause the crunching sounds. This noise, also known as knee crepitus, occurs most frequently when your knee is bent, such as when you are walking down the stairs,  squatting, or standing up from a seated position.

4. You can’t straighten out your knee 

Can’t straighten your knee? Meniscus tears or a torn ACL are two examples of problems that can cause your knee to lock up. The first step in correcting this problem is to determine whether you can't unlock your knee because there’s a physical blockage or because of pain.

What’s causing your knee pain and what can you do about it?

If you’ve noticed these four telltale signs of a knee problem, it’s important to seek care sooner rather than later. Getting swift care can help you avoid the unwanted complications of untreated knee issues. 

The team at International Spine Pain & Performance Center first determines the source of your pain and then creates individualized treatment plans utilizing the most advanced methodologies available. Depending on the source of your pain, we may suggest any of the following to help promote healing and relief from your knee pain:

Don’t wait until you’ve lost all mobility in your knee. Call one of our three locations today and book your consultation. You can also request an appointment online.

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