Spinal Stenosis Specialist

International Spine, Pain & Performance Center

Orthopedic Specialists & Sports Medicine located in Washington, DC, Arlington, VA & Pulaski, VA

Back and neck pain can develop from any number of causes, but if your pain is accompanied by tingling or numbness that travels into your extremities, you may have spinal stenosis. The team at International Spine Pain & Performance Center, with offices in Washington, D.C. and Arlington, Virginia, specializes in the diagnosis and management of spinal stenosis and can help you get relief from your pain using the most advanced techniques and treatments available. Call ISPP Center or schedule an appointment online today to learn more.

Spinal Stenosis

What is spinal stenosis?

Spinal stenosis occurs when the spaces in your spine narrow, placing pressure on the nerves that travel from your spine and resulting in pain. Spinal stenosis is classified by the area of the spine that’s affected, and includes:

  • Cervical stenosis
  • Lumbar stenosis

It’s possible to suffer from both cervical and lumbar stenosis.

Osteoarthritis, which is the wearing away of the cushion in between each of your vertebral joints, is the most common cause of spinal stenosis. Herniated discs and spinal injuries can also lead to spinal stenosis.

What are the symptoms of spinal stenosis?

With spinal stenosis, your symptoms may vary depending on the portion of your spine affected.

With cervical stenosis you may experience:

  • Neck pain
  • Tingling or numbness in your hands, arms, or feet
  • Weakness in your arms or hands
  • Issues with balance

With lumbar stenosis you may experience:

  • Low back pain
  • Tingling or numbness in your legs or feet
  • Weakness in your legs or feet
  • Pain or cramping in one or both of your legs

In severe cases, you may also lose control of your bowel or bladder function.

How is spinal stenosis diagnosed?

The specialists at International Spine Pain & Performance Center can determine if your symptoms are due to spinal stenosis after a thorough physical exam and review of your symptoms and medical history.

To confirm a diagnosis, they may recommend diagnostic imaging tests such as an MRI or X-ray.

How is spinal stenosis treated?

The ISPP Center team take a multispecialty approach to the management of your spinal stenosis and customize your treatment plan to meet your specific needs. Your treatment plan depends on your symptoms and overall health, and may include:

  • Pain medication
  • Steroid injections
  • Physical therapy

International Spine Pain & Performance Center also offers regenerative therapy with stem cells and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to accelerate the healing of diseased or damaged tissue. In some cases, the team may recommend it as part of your treatment plan.

If conservative measures fail to improve your pain and symptoms, your specialist may recommend surgery to open up space in your spinal column and relieve the pressure on your nerve.

Spinal stenosis causes a wide range of symptoms. To learn more about spinal stenosis and your treatment options from a team who goes the extra mile to help you get relief, call International Spine Pain & Performance Center or schedule an appointment online today.